Archive for the ‘garden’ Category

Refrigerator Pickles

September 20, 2010

With the garden this year, I had quite the bounty of cucumbers. Now, I love me some cucumbers, so for the first few months, I just ate them.

But even I have a cucumber limit.

When I reached it, I found this recipe on Delicious Melicious for refrigerator pickles and jumped on it because it literally took 5 minutes! Love that!

Refrigerator Pickles

(Delicious Melicious)

3 cloves garlic, minced

fresh dill



3 cups water

6 tbsp white vinegar

3 tbsp kosher salt


– Put some of the fresh dill in the bottom of each jar.

– Pack 1/2 full with cucumbers. Lay more fresh dill on top and finish filling the jar with cucumbers.

– Put minced garlic on top, pour brine into jar until it’s full.

– Put the lid on, and leave them in the refrigerator for 2 days before using.